S t a r t s W i t h Y O U
The ethos of the 21st Paradigm:
A way of thinking for the 21st century that respects the intrinsic value of all life. The right of other life forms to exist free from exploitation, needless suffering and wrongful death. Not only the pretty birds but also the predators and reptiles, insects, the ugly and unloved have a right to be left in peace, to exist not for the entertainment, health, sustenance and instruction of people but for their own sake, regardless of their instrumental value to humans.

Support 21st Paradigm
Help Us Create & Publish Groundbreaking Films & Campaigns:
Produce powerful and thought-provoking films that expose the truth about animal exploitation and inspire change.
Spread our message of compassion and justice through outreach and advocacy efforts.
How to Contribute:
Become a Supporter:
Every dollar makes a difference. Your contribution will directly support the production of films, the development of educational resources, and the advancement of our mission.
You will become part of a community of compassionate individuals who are working to create a more just and equitable world for all beings.
You will help to inspire change by supporting independent media that challenges the status quo and promotes a more ethical and sustainable future.
Thank You!